Continuing with my obsession in making government more
efficient, one of the first things I did was to eliminate a captain and two
lieutenant positions and put them on the street. Of course I did this through attrition (I’m
not a barbarian). Besides putting three
additional officers on the street, which would have cost the city over $250,000
a year, it saved the city about $89,000 a year in lower salaries. Here are some other annual cost savings:
Eliminating ineffective Cadet Program $30,000
Renegotiated SRO contract $74,328
Negotiated deaf-line fees $4,800
Through efficiency gains in Records, cut ½ position $24,371
Initiated online accident reports $1,700
Condensed three secretary positions into two $45,817
Initiated online crime reporting $40,148
Through attrition, we civilianized three positions saving about
$95,000 a year. Sworn police officers
are expensive. It cost about $12,000
annually per officer just to keep a cop trained and equipped. They require a lot of specialized training
and they are wired a certain way. It
makes sense to have cops do what cops do best.
Civilianized Property Room Technician $43,849
Civilianized Training Coordinator $31,709
Civilianized Crime Scene Technician $20,175
Lessons Learned:
On the
downside of flattening the organization, lost opportunity for promotion was a
serious blow to at least two sergeants.
At the time, I considered it likely that at least two lieutenants would retire. That never happened (I guess they loved me
too much to leave). This also limited
our options in making mid-management assignments.