Here’s another update from Training Specialist Mark Merrill at the Idaho POST Academy. Officer Baird continues to do well as he moves closer to graduation.
Here are some of the highlights from last week and what Officer Baird is working on this week:
The last week of the Academy included Drug ID & Investigation, Domestic Violence, CPR & First Aid, Special Needs Citizens, and Reactive Impact Weapons. Tuesday night was Domestic Violence scenarios and Thursday night was our Active Counter Measures class where students get to go 3 minutes with a person in a F.I.S.T. Suit. That was a gut-check for some, but no one gave up, everyone stayed in the fight.
This week the class is split in half; one half is on the range doing Firearms while the other half is here at POST doing EVOC. Next week they will switch. The half that is here doing EVOC (Emergency Vehicle Operation Course) will get a use of force scenario/encounter on Wednesday night. This scenario is one that will require the student to make a decision to act that will require a use of deadly force on their part. These will be videoed and I can make those available to you at your request.
Friday the class will come back together for Traffic Stops; classroom in the morning and practical’s in the afternoon.
Another Update from POST