
Embracing Social Media

By Joelyn Hansen In July I shared the following picture on the IFPD Facebook Page as a reminder to folks about the importance of checking blind spots before backing up a vehicle. Within one day this picture was viewed by several hundred people and shared 300 times by other Facebook users. I myself shared this photo from another police agency that shared it on their Facebook page. I can’t even

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Catching Criminals

By Joelyn Hansen Catching criminals is easier when they come to us. Officers certainly had an easy arrest when 22-year-old Marco Karli showed up at Community Night Out -- an Idaho Falls Police Department sponsored event. With that many law enforcement officers in one location, Mr. Karli, who had an active Bonneville County warrant, should have realized it wouldn't

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Community Night Out

For anyone that missed Community Night Out on Tuesday, you better make sure you don't miss this event next year. Again, it was an extremely fun night as residents, law enforcment and many different agencies and organizations came together to promote unity, crime prevention and safety within our community. Thanks to all the volunteers, sponsors and participants who helped make

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Farewell Dear Friend

The Idaho Falls Police Department suffered a great loss as Officer Ken Knoelk succumbed to cancer on Saturday. Ken was more than a good cop, he was a dear friend. We're going to miss him. Thanks for everything K

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