
City Council Decisions

Ever get the feeling that the decisions at City Council meetings have already been made prior to the meeting?  While the final decisions aren’t made until the Thursday night City Council meetings, there is often considerable discussion and sometimes a consensus reached in prior meetings.  This is usually done through either a committee meeting or a council work session.For police issues

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Public Records Request for 911 Tape

I’ve taken a little heat for releasing the 911 recording for the October 14 shooting.  Just so you know, I really didn’t have a choice.  The public records law has accompanying court rulings that narrowly define the exceptions on the requirement to release information.  The main three exceptions that may have applied in this case are:1.      Interfere with enforcement

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Hollywood vs. Reality

Rexburg PD Facebooked a great video on officer involved shootings from Oregon.  It addresses some common myths and shows some of the differences between Hollywood and real life.  Take 17 minutes and watch

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Pocatello Chief Resigns

Pocatello Chief JR Miller resigned Wednesday night to return to an investigative arm of the Florida Governor’s office.  JR was appointed Pocatello's Police Chief a few months before I came on board as Idaho Falls Chief - a little more than four years ago. Did you know that the average tenure of a police chief is less than three years?  It's a tough

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Third Police Involved Shooting in a Year

Friday, we had another officer involved shooting – the third in less than a year.  While national statistics are not kept, this is certainly unusual for Idaho Falls. This incident will be investigated by outside agencies as were the other two.  Preliminary information indicates that the officers' actions likely saved lives, but we need to wait for a complete investigation. 

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Another Scam - Another Arrest

There are a million different kinds of scams, but this one illustrates a common theme.  We arrested 26-year-old Jonathan M. Meng yesterday for the sale of a Harley Davidson that doesn’t exist. The Ohio victim contacted us after he tried to purchase a motorcycle for $8,866 on eBay earlier in the month.  The Idaho Falls seller initially instructed him to wire the money to a bank account held

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Help Fight Crime -- Don't Create It

The prolific Seattle superhero, known as Phoenix Jones, made news headlines throughout the west this week. Not because he saved the residents of the Emerald City from dirt bags or the like, but because police arrested him for assaulting several people with pepper spray in attempts to bust up an alleged fight. It’s an amusing story. I’m actually torn on whether to admire the guy for his tenacity

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Illegally Parked Cars

Stephanie posed a great solution to illegally parked cars.  Think I can get the City Council to sign off on it?  I'm sure Mayor Fuhriman would enjoy driving. 

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Final 2010 Crime Rates

The final numbers are in for 2010 crimes.  In a nutshell, we’re much lower than the national average for cities our size.  We’re higher in rapes and aggravated assaults, but lower in everything else – especially robbery and auto theft. Notice this doesn’t include drug crimes.  That’s because they aren't tracked the same way.  Practically all reported drug crimes are

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Another Side to Police Work

[Officer Kent Hoskins talks to a group about his car and equipment during a police station tour]   You can’t be a police officer very long before a parent will ask you to “scare their kid.”  That’s a bad idea.  I love DARE Officer Kevin Pettingill’s description of a youngster’s first interaction with the police when Dad yells, “Get down, there’s a cop!” if they aren’t buckled

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