
Eleven Arrested for Delivery of Spice

Patrol made a large Spice bust Saturday night at 1414 Cambridge – a building that used to be a bank.  Here are the highlights: ·        800 packages of Spice that sell for $50 each ·        Another 100 pounds of spice unpackaged ·        Records show a few hundred thousand dollars’ worth

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How to Drive on Slick Roads

Slow down and learn when not to brake.  Yeah, that’s pretty much it. A good portion of our winter crashes could be avoided if the driver got his (hey Rebecca, notice I didn’t write “her”) foot off the brake and steered around the obstacle.  Unfortunately, this goes completely against human nature.  When faced with a sudden need to stop, most of us panic-stomp the brakes while yanking

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Medical Marijuana, Really?

There are honest debates on whether to legalize drugs, but calling it medical marijuana isn’t one of them.  Setting aside the damaging effects of marijuana or arguing that it isn’t any worse than alcohol misses the point. Marijuana is not medicine.  It’s federally classified as a schedule-1 drug.  This is the highest classification which means two things: It has no medicinal use and

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Changing of the Guards

Father and son?  Not exactly.  Keith Hammon (left) is taking over as the Rigby police chief for Larry Anderson (right). Keith is a 17-year veteran of the Rigby Police Department and now gets to compete with Larry's record-breaking tenure as a 34-year chief. From the photo I just took, it looks like Larry is a little taller.  Relax Keith, you've got 34 more years to pick

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Extra! Extra! Read All About It!

Want to get the latest on crimes and arrest?  Joelyn writes a daily press release that covers the stuff that may be of interest. A cruise through the daily press release this morning shows: ·        I.F. Man arrested for Felony Eluding ·        I.F. Man Gets Caught Using Stolen Credit Card ·       

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RV Street Parking Ordinance Passes

[Not all RVs are created equal]    It’s now illegal to park an RV on the street more than 24 consecutive hours in Idaho Falls twice in one week.  The city council decided to pass the ordinance following complaints from citizens.  To see the ordinance, click here. For the most part, the enforcement of this ordinance will be complaint driven – meaning we’ll take action

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Officer Cowley Makes 50 List

Idaho Falls Magazine recently recognized Idaho Falls Officer John Cowley as one of “the I.F. 50 Ordinary People living extraordinary lives through service to others” in its January/February issue. John has experienced it all, everything from being a sheriff in Bingham County, detective on major crimes, to his current assignment as school resource officer at Skyline High School and Eagle Rock Junior

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Things That Make Us Smile

Smile #1: Okay, so maybe it doesn’t quite reach the level of dumbest criminals, but Tuesday, a woman tried to get into the courthouse with a stash of meth.  She set off the metal detector and pulled out a plastic tube with meth in it.  No ma’am, that’s not what set off the detector, but…  Smile #2: The woman decides to run and the deputy chases, but it’s a citizen who tackles her. 

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Has The Time Arrived?

Can you trust this man?  Absolutely.  He’s one of Idaho Falls’ finest.On a trial basis, I’m allowing tightly trimmed goatees for our police officers.  This is an action I’ve been contemplating for several years.Wearing a goatee 30 years ago was considered a bad-boy counter-culture statement dating back to the beatniks in the 1950s and hippies of the 1960s.  The meaning of the

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Year in Review

Retirements:Zuella Nelson – Sept. 16, 2011 Mike Zaladonis – April 22, 2011 Ken Knoelk – Dec. 31, 2011 New Full-Time Hires:Joelyn Hansen – Community Projects Coordinator Krissy Gittins – Crime Scene Technician Shara Ovard – Property/Evidence Technician Noe Guevara – Dispatcher Danyelle Harker – Animal Control Bryce Papke – Animal Control Dustin Howell – Police Officer Sage Albright – Police Officer 2011

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