
A Learning Experience

By Joelyn Hansen Last week Idaho Falls high school students learned about the affects of teen drunk driving. Teens were randomly pulled from their classroom and were treated like they were dead. They were isolated and were allowed no contact with the outside world. The week culminated with a mock DUI crash. Students watched as firefighters rapidly extricated victims

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Speak Out!

 By Joelyn Hansen   I don't know Miss Teen Idaho Falls Ashley Traughber personally. But, I must say that in my limited interaction with her, I was impressed with her motivation and determination to raise awareness about child abuse and neglect. Yesterday, in front of a small crowd gathered outside the Bonneville County Courthouse steps, 13-year-old Ashley urged

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Worst Case Scenerio

By Joelyn Hansen Thursday afternoon I walked away from the 3-day exercise tired, dusty and elated that it was over. And I didn't have to do any manual labor! So, imagine what the others involved felt like. The scenerio for the exericise was definitely worst-case scenerio. It started out as a routine warrant service at a house with police that escalated into finding

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Vehicle Burglaries PSA

      By Joelyn Hansen Here's a video (please be kind I'm attempting to learn some video editing software, so it's rough) featuring Chief Mark McBride. His message is geared toward vehicle burglaries. This video is hopefully the start of many PSA (Public Service Announcements) that will come out of the chief's office. Please watch and pass along the wo

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