
Week 3 POST Update

Here’s another update on Officer Baird at the Idaho POST Academy.Patrol #181 is off to a great start for week 3. Everyone took, and passed, the Law Week Exam. The class average was 89.4, which is pretty high considering the topic and the amount of material covered.This week is Drug ID and Investigation, Domestic Violence, Special Needs Citizens, CPR & First Aid, Active Countermeasures, and a Thursday/Friday

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Update from POST

By Joelyn HansenRemember Officer Baird? He’s one of our newest patrol officers that was sworn in recently. He’s currently attending the Idaho POST academy.We received an update on what they’ve completed in the first week. Thought perhaps it would be fun to share with our readers.The Patrol Academy #181, which graduates Oct. 21, spent the first week covering drill & ceremony, report writing, use

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Good Endings

By Joelyn HansenThe wonders of social media continue to amaze me. You never know what can happen.A few weeks ago we honored Officer Shawn Williams with a Life-Saving award for his efforts in saving a man’s life. As the first to respond, Officer Williams found a man, unconscious and not breathing. He went into rescue mode and began CPR until paramedics arrived.We posted about Officer Williams’ recognition

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Welcome Officers Hendry and Moore

Sarah Hendry and Ashley Moore pin badges on their husbands, Chris Hendry and Coleman Moore, during their swearing in ceremony on Sept. 22.By Joelyn HansenOur police department grew by two on Monday. Actually, I should rephrase that, we thankfully filled to two vacant positions with two awesome new officers.We didn’t have to look very far to find Coleman Moore and Chris Hendry. They’ve been working

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Welcome Officers Hendry & Moore

By Joelyn Hansen Sarah Hendry & Ashley Moore pin badges on their husbands, Chris Hendry and Coleman Moore, during their swearing in ceremony on Monday (Sept. 22).Our police department grew by two on Monday. Actually, I should rephrase that, we thankfully filled to two vacant positions with two awesome new officers.We didn’t have to look very far to find Coleman Moore and Chris Hendry. They’ve

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Officers Hendry and Moore Sworn In

Officers Hendry and Moore Sworn In Idaho Falls Mayor Rebecca Casper officially swore in the city’s newest police officers, Chris Hendry and Coleman Moore, in council chambers on Monday.“You’re joining a force that has a reputation for providing a safe community,” Mayor Casper said during the ceremony. “It’s up to you that every positive association that the community has with seeing a uniform

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IFPD Changes

I’ve been meaning to blog for a while now. There is certainly a lot of things happening at the IFPD that are worth a mention.First of all, the IFPD said many goodbyes this summer as we had 7 police officers retire. Sgt. Phil Grimes, detectives Curtis Bateman, Steve Barnes, Brent Lawrence and officers Mark Burnell, Kevin Pettingill and Lynn Case all retired. I blogged about some of those retirements

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I’ve been meaning to blog for a while now. There is certainly a lot of things happening at the IFPD that are worth a mention.First of all, the IFPD said many goodbyes this summer as we had 7 police officers retire. Sgt. Phil Grimes, detectives Curtis Bateman, Steve Barnes, Brent Lawrence and officers Mark Burnell, Kevin Pettingill and Lynn Case all retired.That was 210 years of experience that left

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