
Good Life

When Mayor Fuhriman asked me to be Police Chief five years ago, I told him I’d commit for three to five years.  Rebecca and I knew that when we became empty nesters, we’d be moving onto the next phase of life.  That time has arrived. In late January, we’re heading for Brazil to teach English for five months.  Then we hope to serve an LDS Mission (I’m betting that her good behavior

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Good Photo, Bad Photo

If you’re in the security business or buy security cameras, make the cameras useful.  Check out these photos from two different business thefts reported to us yesterday and tell me which one will likely yield results. The woman above is suspected of taking sterling silver jewelry from Shopko and will almost certainly be identified.  Identifying the male suspects below

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FBI Releases Crime Rate Stats

The FBI finally released the crime data for 2011.  The charts show the 5-year trend for the FBI defined definitions of Violent Crime and Property Crime.  Violent Crime includes murder, rape, robbery, and aggravated assault.  Property Crime includes burglary, theft, and auto theft.  I’m especially pleased that violent crime is trending downward even faster than other cities

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Who Is That Guy?

Okay, so take a close look at the person on the left in the last blog post all spiffed up wearing a jacket and tie.  That would be Mike O'Bleness, CEO of Development Workshop.  Now take a look at the guy holding the rope in this post.  Yes, that's an earlier version of Mike with Rebecca and I on the right. I think I've aged more than him.  What do you think?

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CWP Honored

By Joelyn Hansen Congratulations CWP!!! Yesterday, the Development Workshop, Inc., honored the Idaho Falls Citizen’s Watch Patrol with the “Mae Tomblison Distinguished Service” award. The award is presented to organizations that have provided outstanding service, contributions and enhancements to the lives of persons with disabilities. The Citizen’s Watch Patrol has annually assisted with

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Tough Enough

Pictured after completing the Tough Mudder on Oct. 13th in Utah are IFPD Officer Paul Murray and his wife, Heidi; IFPD Officer Bart Whiting (tallest one in the center) andIFPD IT Oliver Lewis (the guy on the right). By Joelyn Hansen Anyone interested in swimming through ice-cold water, belly crawling through 10,000 volts of electricity and then traversing through mud up to your chest?

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He's Still Here....

Add caption By Joelyn Hansen I took this photo of the chief this morning just to reassure blog readers he's still alive! I'm sure with all my posts that some of you have been wondering about his whereabouts. He's here at work, he's just been extremely busy late

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Inspirational Art

Idaho Falls Mayor Jared Fuhriman and Compass Academy art student and teacher Kendra Handy take a picture in front of their mural they painted to help beautify the city.   By Joelyn Hansen When Compass Academy Art Teacher Kendra Handy approached me with an idea back in September I'm not fully sure she knew the magnitude of what she was hoping to accomplish. Students follow

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Walking to School

By Joelyn Hansen I thought you might like to see some pictures taken this morning. Sgt. Dave Frei and Officer Mike Cosens had a special assignment today as they headed over to Ethel Boyes Elementary School for International Walk to School Day. Dave and Mike were on hand to ensure that kids properly and safely crossed the street. I can tell you they handled it pretty well,

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Helping Another Officer

By Joelyn Hansen First, I apologize for the picture being so small. Unfortunately there's not a lot I can do about the size. Anyway, since I've got my disclaimer out of the way, I can get to the point of this post. The Idaho Chapter of Wives Behind the Badge -- a non-profit group that provides support to law enforcement families -- recently posted on the IFPD Facebook page about an upcoming

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