
Dog Attack

A message from Chief Mark McBride: To start off, I’d like to say that in any occasion the last thing an officer wants to use is his gun. But, in those quick moments when that officer must protect themselves and others, lethal force is sometimes the only choice. Officers are trained to always think ‘Safety First’. We want our officers to go home each night safe and unharmed. We also want

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American Spirit

Harvey "Ed" Gord stands center as his great-granddaughter reads a special tribute.   By Joelyn Hansen     When we hired Harvey Gord last year to work part-time at the police department it was a sad moment for the Citizen's Watch Patrol. He was the backbone and really stirred people to action, plus he did a lot of things for the program to keep it going.     The

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Hooray for Volunteers!

By Joelyn Hansen Last night I was reminded of how much I love my job. I had the great pleasure to honor some very deserving folks for their volunteer time. I even managed to keep it a surprise about their awards! In 2012, the CWP volunteered approximately 1500 hours of time to the community and the department as they assisted with abandoned vehicles, graffiti abatement, special events,

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Cow Jumping

By Joelyn Hansen The old nursery rhyme says the cow jumped over the moon. But, in our police tale, the cow jumped over the patrol car. A loose cow in town proved to be more than what the officers expected as this bovine managed to lead officers through the alleys and streets of town for quite some time before they finally captured it across from the YMCA. This isn't the first

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