
The Final Week

This Friday, Officer Baird officially graduates from the academy. Which means he’ll be back on the streets of Idaho Falls shortly afterward. We’re excited to officially have him a part of our patrol team.Just to give you a little look into what he’s been doing this final week, here’a a tidbit from Mark Merrill at the Idaho P.O.S.T. Academy.“This week is the final week for this Academy. Monday and

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Graduation is Next Week!

Officer Baird is down to 2 weeks at the academy before he returns back to the IFPD. Some days it doesn’t seem like he was gone all that long. Other days, we’ve been anxious to get him back ASAP!But, he’s expected to graduate next Friday (Nov. 21)! I’m sure we’re just as excited as he is.Here’s a little about what he’s be doing for the last few weeks. Last week they covered a multitude of topics, including

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Getting Closer to the End

Officer Baird is inching closer to graduation as the Patrol Academy #181 nears completion. Hard to believe that by next month Officer Baird will begin his field training. Here’s the latest from Idaho POST Training Specialist Mark Merrill:“Patrol Academy  #181 is doing well. There was no test this morning, so morale is a little bit higher today. Last week was long and covered Crash and DUI Investigations.

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Cars for the Community

By Mark McBrideThe Idaho Falls Police Department implemented the Cars-For-the-Community program (take-home cars) around 1998 to deter crime and traffic violations, promote operational readiness and realize cost savings. Cities across the nation participate and benefit from similar programs.When drivers see police cars, they typically slow down to ensure they’re obeying the law. The same effect is

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Another Week at POST

Here’s another quick update from Mark Merrill at the Idaho POST Academy.Officers completed their 3rd “Weekly Exam” and averages remain fairly high. The class average was 86.4% for this exam.They also completed classroom portions for Officer Survival, Patrol Procedures, and Building Search. They also got up and out of the classroom for practical building search instruction, decision shooting exercises,

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Baird Elected Vice President of POST Academy Class #181

Exciting news out of the Idaho POST academy this week – Idaho Falls Police Officer Jon Baird was elected as the vice president of the class!Way to go Jon!That’s a great honor and his POST classmates selecting him as their VP really speaks to his great character! We’re positive he’ll represent his class and our department well.Patrol Academy #181 is at their half-way mark, which means that they class

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Another POST update

Idaho POST Training Specialist Mark Merrill continues to send us weekly updates. It’s always great to find out what our officers are working on at POST. Officer Baird is getting closer to completion!From Mark Merrill:This week is pretty easy for the Academy, each half of the class simply switches. It’s EVOC and Firearms again. What group one did last week group two does this week, and vise-versa.

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