
How We Promote

Shhh...  They're taking the test as I'm writing this.    The IFPD is Civil Service, meaning there are rules administered by a committee appointed by the Mayor to oversee hiring, promotions, and discipline. Today begins the testing process for sergeant and lieutenant administered under the direction of the Civil Service Commission.  At the end of that process, the commission gives

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Congratulations Libby!

In 3 years, 911 Dispatcher Libby Severinson has proven to exemplify great qualities as a dispatcher which is why we’ve selected her to become our newest dispatch supervisor. “She has a real ability to promote a positive and effective team,” 911 Administrator Heather Kunz said. Libby began with dispatch in June 2009. Previously she served in the United States Army. In her short time at the

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Royce Clements Promoted to Captain

Royce has demonstrated solid leadership and an incredible passion for police work.  He bleeds blue.  That’s one of the reasons I selected him as captain.  Here’s a video of the commissioning. Royce and his grandson Gage Royce started his police career January 11, 1982. I know that because he started one week after me and we went to the police academy together. During our morning

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Photoshop? What's photoshop?

Ignore those earlier posts from Joelyn.  I’m fine.  As you can see from the photo, I’ve had a miraculous recovery.  Not only has my shoulder healed, but I think I look younger.  In fact, I might even have more ha

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What would you do?

By Joelyn Hansen What would you do if a teenager approached you asking you to purchase beer for them? What would you do if you’re the store clerk and someone under the age of 21 came into the store trying to purchase a bottle of alcohol? Hopefully, you’d refuse. But, surprisingly, not everyone refuses to sell to or purchase alcohol for minors. A couple of weeks ago, Idaho Falls Police

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The One-Armed Chief

By Joelyn Hansen The chief won’t be shooting any guns anytime soon. From the photograph you can see that unless his target happened to be directly to his left his effectiveness with the gun is very limited. Two weeks ago the chief had his shoulder scoped to repair a tear. I’m sure he’d like to say the injury came from rescuing a baby out of a burning building or something to that affect,

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Cleaning Up Graffiti

By Joelyn Hansen Do you ever have the knack of noticing that one tiny detail nobody else notices or even pays attention to? That’s usually how it is with me and graffiti. It’s the one thing I have no problem noticing. I didn’t used to pay that much attention to graffiti. But, now that I work at the police department and am tasked with cleaning it up as part of my job, I notice it a lot

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Looking for a parking space?

By Joelyn Hansen If you’ve had to try and find a parking space in downtown Idaho Falls you’ll be happy to know that the city created new parking spaces on Constitution Avenue to help alleviate the problem. With this new creation of parking there are some important things to know: • Middle parking on Constitution Avenue from Yellowstone to Park Avenue is a two-hour limit. • Middle parking

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To the Rescue

By Joelyn Hansen Yesterday after months of anticipation, the Bonneville County Emergency Operations Centers was activated. Don't worry, it was a test, but a good test of how well the county would handle a disaster in Bonneville County.  For 4 hours during a mock response to a 7.2 earthquake, the center was inundated with phone call after phone call -- similar

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